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Our World...

What do we need to survive?

What are our needs related to settlement and infrastructure? 

In what ways can the environment affect our settlement choices, and in what ways can we affect the environment we settle in? 

What factors affect the quality of life in different countries? 

Where might be the most perfect place to live on Earth? 


The Apoloclypse

What does this mean? 

What skills might we need to survive?


We will be reading apocalyptic literature and discussing it in book talk groups.

We will be learning some survival skills (sans technology!). 

Emerging from the Ashes

What can we learn from our past, to ensure we build the best civilisation possible?  


We will be looking critically at Canadian History - if we could rewrite it, what would we change?

We will be learning about rights, laws, governance and economic systems - which elements should we bring forward into our new civilisation? 

We will be designing our own utopian world.

Who would lead us?  

Rising up from the ashes and founding a new civilisation, idyllic on all accounts, who has the knowledge and understanding needed to make the best choices and the strength of character to see it through?  


We will be determining characteristics a great leader possesses.  

We will learn a bit about the 100 most influential people who ever, and who never, lived.  

(We will need to talk about the difference between great literary characters and great people.)

We will propose which influential character should be charged with leading our great new utopian society.   

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