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Keep Organised, Be Prepared

(April 7 will come quickly!)

The Learning Partnership is a national charity dedicated to building stakeholder partnerships to support, promote and advance publicly funded education in Canada. We do this through five key deliverables - innovative student programs, executive leadership for educators, knowledge mobilization and policy, tribute celebrations of excellence and ongoing collaborations across Canada. Since 1993, more than 6.5 million students have participated in The Learning Partnership’s programs.


I 3 – Investigate! Invent! Innovate! is an integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) program for students in Grades 7 and 8. The goal of I3 – Investigate! Invent! Innovate! is to instil a passion for science, technology and mathematics to foster innovative thinking. Students identify problems in their daily lives and invent products or processes to solve those problems based on concepts they learn in class. The program culminates with annual Invention Conventions held in various cities across Canada.


Through participation in I3 and the Invention Convention students will develop an understanding of:

• science concepts inherent in everyday products and processes

• consequences of technical innovation on society and the environment

• creativity in problem-solving and the design process

• manufacturing and commercialization of products

• inquiry, problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking and communication skills


I 3 provides a context in which students can develop and apply essential life skills and knowledge.


Technology suggestions are embedded throughout the I3 lessons. The program offers ideas for different types of applications that might be useful for documentation and invention development depending on the different types of technology and devices that are available to the class. With a variety of robotic kits and other STEM kits now more readily available in schools, students have a chance to enhance their inventions in a way that was not possible in the past. iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, etc. can all be utilised throughout the program. Please note: Personal electronic devices can be used as an alternative to computers wherever appropriate and available.


The Invention Convention is the annual culminating activity for I3 hosted by The Learning Partnership. It is not a competition, but rather, a showcase of student creativity and accomplishments. The Invention Convention simulates a trade show in which investors are given the opportunity to interact with inventors and see new products in action. Students will be presenting their path from initial idea to invention to their audience. Prior to The Learning Partnership’s central Invention Conventions, schools are encouraged to host an in-school Invention Convention. This event provides students with the opportunity to practice their presentations and to become comfortable with fielding questions about their inventions. It also allows teachers the opportunity to select which groups of students will continue on to the central Invention Convention. The selection process for the central Invention Conventions is determined by the teachers. Teachers are encouraged to select students who have embraced the innovative spirit of the I3 program. At the in-school or central Invention Convention, in addition to the actual invention or prototype, The Learning Partnership encourages each student team to present evidence of the learning process and skill development used to design, develop and manufacture their invention. For example, during the learning process students may demonstrate their skills by developing flow charts, design plans, posters, brochures, websites, apps, and videos. These examples would be presented at the Invention Convention on a tri-fold display board that will accompany the student groups and their inventions and would provide a visual representation of their learning.



An example of an impressive invention: Alert for Alzheimer's patients and caregivers


An example of a less than impressive invention: Cereal Pants


Other examples of important innovation


Reduce, Reuse, Grow

Eco-Leaf Plates



The 20 Most Terrific Inventions of 2015







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