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Things to Think About

noun: something that incites, instigates, angers, or irritates

to incite: verb: to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action 


Feel free to read, watch, view the following articles - I won't tell you what to think - but I do encourage you to think, to question and to discuss with others. 


The Secret Path & The Stranger

What resonates with you about this article?  Which arguments put forward do you feel were most important?

In contrast, here is an earlier article published in the Globe & Mail and one from the CBC.  In what ways do the two publications differ?


What type of school do you imagine?  What is the difference between schooling and education? 

(Thanks Kimmie for sending this video!)


Just Breathe.  Is there a takeaway in this film for you? 


What is this?  And what is it doing?  How is this a video of happiness?  #myosin #endorphin #parietal cortex 


Gratitude - The Short Film.  What are you grateful for?  How are you mindful?


What would happen if we stopped saying 'if' and started saying 'when'


The Sound of Silence.  The Sound of Silence.  The Sound of Silence. How does the sound of the music speak to you?  What meaning do the lyrics hold? Do the images make a difference? What does science say about silence? 


With the American Election 2016 just a few days behind us, how about checking in on Canadian Politics...

Trudeau, one year in.  His UN address.


Agree, or disagree? Screens turn kids into psychotic junkies...


This, this, thisor this... Brilliant, or a waste of time? What about this one? 


Who tells you how beautiful you are? What if magazines marketed at females looked like this


Why do you live where you live? Find out what other people say, add your reasons...


How cool is nature? This BBC film captures stingrays in flight. 


A perspective on High Functioning Anxiety.  Does knowing lead to greater understanding or empathy? 


I am Canadian - what does patriotism mean to you? 


Body Shaming - is this a solution? 


It's not just females that the media makes feel badly about themselves - male body shaming happens too. 


This site compares the vastly different body types of Olympians - there is no perfect body type.


There have been a lot of questions about current events and the state of the world.  Where is the love? #blacklivesmatter  #lgbtq #Muslims


What stereotypes are reinforced in this brief 15 second video? Is this a truly Canadian way to be? How so?


What do we really know about global markets and the economy? What are the downsides to globalization


To what depth are we able to dive through spoken word poetry? 

Shane Koyczan

Prince EA


Who wants to try this? Or this

Here is a creation made by one local designer who was featured at a recent fashion show. 


Creative solutions to big problems do exist.  How far fetched does this idea seem? Or this one? Or this one?


How far will your hard earned dollars go when it comes to buying a home? What a 500k house looks like across Canada.


What can we learn, and apply in our own lives, from people reflecting on their life as they draw nearer to the end of theirs?  


Heritage Minutes summarize significant events in Canadian History.  Check out this one here


Marketing - does this ad sell it?  And should we even need commercials like this


As technology evolves, so do the ways in which we communicate.  How might conventions evolve in response to these different modes? 


How well can you accurately remember something?  How well could you draw that something?  Check out a project where one person built what people drew from memory...


Dolls are used to open discussion about difficult topics - how does the collection open doors to important conversations? 


What does the world eat? Check out the editorial, and photos of families with their weekly food consumption.


Trump. Inauguration. Alternative Facts. Women's March.  What questions should we be asking?  Where should we begin when looking for answers?  


Here are some recent political cartoons - whose voice is being asserted in these cartoons?  Whose voice is not heard?  What would the story read like if these were written editorials and not editorial cartoons? Can there be pro-Trump political cartoons, or does that defy the genre?  


Plastic is a problem.  Here is one initiative, Boomerang Bags, that is helping to reduce the number of plastic bags (it also helps to reuse unwanted textiles, which are also a problem).  Not sure if it's a problem?  Watch the mockumentary, "The Majestic Plastic Bag" or a video by Von Wong about a mermaid and plastic.


Keeping with the problem theme... Is this what is wrong with you? What do you agree with? What do you disagree with?  What is true?


Looking for an interesting documentary?  Try:

Fed Up

Where to Invade Next

An Inconvenient Truth

Philosophy: A Guide To Happiness

Planet Earth


"How the world can do better in 2017 " gives a brief recap of 2016, and looks toward what opportunities lie in 2017.


What social commentary should accompany these fake ads, or these real ones?


Here are some great video links from Kimmie - they relate to our questions in geography an are interesting. Thanks for sharing Kimmie!


What are Continents?

Who Owns Antarctica? 

Zebra vs. Horses - Animal Domestication

The Law You Won't Be Told

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